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One Comment

  1. hanko

    June 24, 2019 at 4:10 pm

    To the Editor:

    I appreciate the Letter To the Editor from Mr. Fleece about “Following the Wishes of the Residents” which also should be applied to the Downtown Kenton Revitalization Plan. Why is it in the best interest of the Citizens of the City of Kenton to spend 20 million+ to help businesses around the square while the rest of us Citizens can go pound sand?
    Where were the thoughts of the “Powers that be” (when businesses were located out on the east side of the city -Walmart, O’Reilly’s, Dollar Tree etc.–without sidewalks) relative to Historic Downtown Revitalization. Why is there not interest by elected officials to help all Citizens of the City of Kenton by first looking into the “Stormwater/Sewage Mixture issue”, Water Main Shut-offs and Street Repairs that affect all Citizens living in the City? Please give some deep thought and speak to your Ward Representatives before you vote for Mayor and Council members this fall. Made up Awards to promote Candidates does not get the job done. Real people who understand the needs of the Citizens is a start in the right direction. To quote Mr. Fleece, This nation wasn’t founded on “by the business, for the business” but simply as “by the people for the people”.

    Tony Dodds
    John Q. Public

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