Eldon Carl “E.C.” Nelson Posted on January 3, 2018 0 Eldon Carl “E.C.” Nelson Age, 82 Stillwater, Okla. formerly of Dola A memorial service Eldon Carl “E.C.” Nelson will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Highland Park United Methodist Church, 524 North Stallard Stillwater, Oklahoma, by the Rev. Valerie Steele. He died at his home Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2017. Memorial donations may be made to either Highland Park United Methodist Church (HPUMC), 524 N. Stallard, Stillwater, OK 74075 or mailed to the “Undergraduate and Graduate Research Scholars Endowment in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,” Oklahoma State University Foundation, 400 S. Monroe, Stillwater, OK 74074. This fund allows OSU Biochemistry and Molecular Biology graduate and undergraduate students an opportunity to submit proposals that can be considered for research consumables and equipment, or to present their research at scientific meetings. Online contributions may be made to www.osugiving.com , then search: 21-78350. Condolences may be emailed to the family and an online obituary may be viewed by visiting www.strodefh.com. Login Login Password Signup Here Lost Password Subscribe to the Kenton Times to read the full story... Get your Hardin County news in print AND online! Subscribe! OR Try a 1-Day Access Pass for Only 99¢! 1-Day Access Are you a current subscriber to the Kenton Times? NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! If you currently subscribe the Kenton Times in print, then your access to the online content is INCLUDED in your subscription! Just verify your subscription to get started! Verify Your Subscription