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USV cheers sports success



Elementary honorees
USV Elementary school students of the month for October are (from left, front row) Caidy Clem (kindergarten), Angely Cazares-Vargas (2nd), Julianna Mizek (1st), Ayden Piehl (2nd), Amanda Jenkins (kindergarten); (back row) Hailey Bailey (4th), Izabella Bailey (5th), Alexa Kearns (6th), Adilynn Thompson (5th), Macoy Underwood (6th) and Chandler Budwit (5th). Also pictured is Paul Ralston, USV school board president. Not pictured is Brody Stedmen (2nd) and Paisley Newport (3rd).
Times photo/Joel McCullough

Times staff writer

McGUFFEY — Although she is soft spoken, Upper Scioto Valley’s Lindsey Thompson, 7-12 principal, made it clear that she speaks for everyone in saying that they are very proud of the fall sports teams and the great season they had this year.

This included senior cross country runner Joe Parker. She said that they were all very proud that for the second consecutive year Parker has earned the Academic All-Ohio award. Parker made it to the state level in cross country while maintaining a 3.5 (or higher) grade point average.

“We are proud of all the sports teams, especially Joe for making it all the way to state and carrying such a high grade point average,” said Paul Ralston, school board president.

Monday night’s school board meeting kicked off with open discussion. Classified employees were in attendance to discuss the recent negotiations they had regarding their contracts. They expressed their dislike for the change in policy for sick leave accumulation. They also expressed that they felt they were not properly informed.

Junior high recognition
Upper Scioto Valley Junior High students of the month for October are (from left) 7th grader A’Raya Boyd and 8th grader Lauren Thompson.

Board President Paul Ralston stated that they had received the details of the negotiation and that the policy and calculation is now the same as teachers and the rest of the school staff.

Drew Snow, information technologies supervisor, explained updates to the students’ Chromebooks, the new camera server installed in August, possible new cameras in blind spots, and cyber security.

Sara Core, K-6 principal, said that a theme they drove in October was accountability. She touched on safety lessons, homework help, an ONU partnership and the science fair approaching in December.

In-between principals, Alexis Krummrey, reported sixth grade math and science classes gave a demonstration of the projects and programs they have been working on the past month.

Thompson brought up the school attendance issue with upper class students. She said they are trying anything they can, including incentives, to try to get the rates higher.

Superintendent Craig Hurley said he is looking into grants available for updating the school’s sound system. The estimated cost is $125,000.

Hurley added that Hubble Arts is working on re-branding the USV “U” logo.

High school honors
Upper Scioto Valley High School students of the month for October are (from left) sophomore Maddox Underwood, freshman Landon Wilson and junior Bryanna Webb. Not pictured is senior Kevin Smith.

The board approved:

– The superintendent’s first readings of revised policies.

– Mileage expense for the transportation of band equipment to athletic events for Melissa Decker and Melanie Dyer.

– The salary change of Alexis Krummrey for additional college credit hours. That will place her on BA+150 pay scale.

– The estimate with Krummrey Lawn Services, LLC for $27,220 for all lawn care as presented.

– The authorization for the treasurer to place $10,000 to cover athletic officials and security officers for the current school year.

– The estimate from Kent Williams Drainage totaling $138,457. The main portion of this estimate was for the 95,000-foot pipe that was installed for $91,200.

The board meeting ended with a closed session to discuss compensation for an employee. No action was taken.

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