Nearly $400,000 generated at Jr. Fair Livestock Sale Posted on September 10, 2018 0 The Hardin County Junior Fair Livestock Sale generated nearly $400,000 for the young sellers on Saturday. Market premium and add-ons totaled $398,031, according to results provided by the livestock sale committee. That total is down from $433,276 paid in 2017, but add-ons were similar as $80,235 were paid to the youth this year compared to $81,105 a year ago. There were 427 sellers, up from 396 in 2017, and more buyers this year at 367 compared to 334 the previous year. Totals for each species showed 257 hogs selling for $105,060; 31 lambs, $49,459; 25 beef steers, $55,088; 15 beef feeders, $3,100; 29 rabbits, $8,462; 54 goats, $22,827; 118 dairy feeders, $55,680; 21 dairy steers, $14,593; broilers, $24,140 and turkeys, $2,971. The milk sale generated $3,725 for dairy exhibitors. The sale produced record prices for three animals – reserve champion barrow, reserve champion rabbits and the champion turkey. Alli Underwood’s champion beef steer sold for $3,550. It was purchased by a buyers’ group that included Ag Credit, Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Aaron Hensel, Bill Hart, LandTech, Buchenroth Excavating, Findlay Implement, Moser Oil, Wilson Tire, McDonald’s, Guardian Lima, Rodabaugh Farms, Rodabaugh Bros. Meats , Mt. Victory Meats and Wyandot Tractor. The reserve champion beef steer exhibited by Brian Searson sold for $3,500 to a group that featured Quest FCU, Klingler Farms, Ag Credit, Findlay Implement Co., Sullinger Farms, Maple Brook Farms, Larry and Cindy Underwood, Heritage Cooperative, USV Lions Club, Shelly Co., Liberty National Bank, Wagner Family Farms, Buchenroth Excavating, Circle R Corp., Foraker Elevator, Mennel Milling, Hepburn Feed and Supply, Wilson Tire Co., Mid-Ohio Energy, Wyandot Mutual Ins., Superior Credit Union, 235 Grill, Henderson Genetics, R D Jones Excavating, Jeff and Felicia Thompson and HSLC. Mckala Grauel’s champion market lamb sold for $1,700 to a buyers’ group of Marriott Courtyard Lima, Guyton Builders, SVG, Wyss Farms, Gossard Farms, Majestic Plastics Inc, Mary Ann Stair, Nickell Farms, BCI Construction, Re Deck of Northwest Ohio, 302 Carry Out, Cessna Transport, Inc., A.G., Oates Farms, Tersus Terra Energies LLC, Gossard Lawn Services, Steve Stair, Quest Federal Credit Union, Mouse House, Joyce’s Homemade Caramel and Robinson Fin Machines Inc. Sidney Gossard sold her reserve champion market lamb for $1,700 to a group that included Wyss Farms, Gossard Farms, Mary Ann Stair, Nickell Farms, BCI Construction, Re Deck of Northwest Ohio, 302 Carry Out, Cessna Transport Inc., A.G, Gossard Lawn Services, Quest Federal Credit Union, Tersus Terra Energies LLC, Mouse House, Ada Area Buyer’s Club, Joyce’s Homemade Caramel and Kenton Times Lance Good sold his champion market goat for $700 to a group that featured LandTech Co., Wilson Tire Co., Block Insurance Agency, Oates Farms, Findlay Implement Co., Ag Credit, Hauenstein Farms and Repair, Lakeview Hardware Home and Heritage Cooperative. Katherine Good sold her reserve champion market goat for $450 to a group that included Precision Strip, Golden Giant, Hepburn Feed and Supply, Quest Federal Credit Union, Hempy Water, Kenton Ace Hardware, Brad Bailey, Robinson Fin, Little Chicago Room and Kenton Times. The champion barrow shown by Elizabeth Thompson was sold for $2,550 to a group that included Allen Tire LTD, Block Insurance, Holbrook Farms, Underwood Family Farms, Kroger Company, RD Jones Excavating and Show Cattle, Foraker Elevator, Big-Red Farms LLC, LandTech, Hardin Co. Farm Bureau, Trinity Metal Works, USV Lions Club, Brice Beaman Commissioner and Ag Credit. Kaytlin Billenstein sold her reserve champion barrow for a record $4,250 to a group that included Diamond Freisians, Legacy Farmers Co-op, Quest FCU, Mennel Milling – Foraker Elevator, Fred and Nancy Searson, Ag Credit, LandTech, Wilson Tire Co., Liberty National Bank, McClaren Farm, Parrot Implement, Poet Biorefining, Hempy Water Conditioning, Tanner Butcher, JD Equipment, Bauer Farms, Hepburn Feed and Supply, Wyandot Mutual Ins., M&W Farm Supply, Jon Cross for State Rep., Precision Strip, Yoder Metal Sales, Stewart Seeds and Underwood Stock Farms. Dylan Thompson’s champion market gilt was sold for $2,250 to a group that included Precision Strip, Beck’s Hybrids – Aaron Hensel, Moser Oi – Central Farmer’s, Harsh Ins. Agency, Ag Credit, Rohrs Farms, Dave Pfoff – Allen Tire, LandTech, Foraker Elevator, R & K Farms, USV Lions, Hardin County Tractor Pullers and Quest Federal Credit Union. Kyle Searson’s reserve champion gilt sold for $1,250 to a group that featured Poet Biorefining Marion, Heritage Cooperative, Sunrise Cooperative and Don Young Farms. Cami Lowery sold her champion rabbits for $750 to Hardin Motors and Kenton Truck Equipment. Mara France’s reserve champion rabbits were purchased for a record $1,700 by a group that included Quest FCU, Roger Crowe, Hardin Memorial Hospital, Wilson Tire Co., Thomas and Marker Construction, Jon Cross for State Rep., Robinson Fin Machines, Kenton Times and Precision Strip. The champion dairy beef feeder exhibited by Dylan Thompson was purchased by McCullough Industries and Stillwater Metals LLC for $1,000. Sammie Unger’s reserve champion dairy beef feeder was sold for $1,100 to Shaffer’s Auto Body and Paint and Kenton Truck and Equipment. Sean Kuhlman’s champion broilers sold for $700 to Liberty National Bank, Ron Wyss, Kroger Company and Carrie Haudenschield. The reserve champion broilers of Keller Stout were purchased for $1,000 by Land Tech, Hershey Equipment Inc., James Crates and Crates Farms and Excavating, Caitlyn Stover sold her champion market dairy steer for $1,300 to a group that included Wilson Tire Co., Ralston Farms, Trupointe, Precision Strip Trans., Gerlach Farms, LandTech Co., Wal-Mart Store 5355, Crop Production Services, Heritage Cooperative, Eric and Virginia Riegle, Legacy Farmers Coop Findlay, Findlay Implement Company, Erica Reigle and Dylan Hasson, Circle R Corp, Good Farms – Tony and Cheryl, Becks Superior Hybrids and Quest Federal Credit Union. Kennedy Parker’s reserve champion market dairy steer was sold for $900 to a group that included Ag Credit, Hensel Ready Mix, Precision Strip, Circle R, McCullough Industries, Quest Federal Credit Union, K & B Feeds, Hardin Co. Tractor Pullers, Kroger, Robinson Fin Machines, McDonald’s, Ace Hardware, Oates Farms, Kale Marketing, Rowe Farms, Wilcox Farms and Steve Austin Auto. Kody Buchenroth’s champion dairy beef feeder was purchased by McCullough Industries and Stillwater Metal LLC for $2,500 Colten Perkins sold his reserve champion dairy beef feeder for $2,050 to Golden Giant Buildings, Max’s Water Dog Races & Flea Market, Hempy Water, Forest Business Boosters, Kenton Ace Hardware, Community First Bank, N.A., Quest Federal Credit Union, Jakob’s Electric, Jon Cross for State Representative, Hardin Memorial Hospital and McBride Financial Services. Slade Gossman’s champion turkey sold for a record $900 to Heritage Coop, Ada Buyers Club and Findlay Implement. Dakota Gossman’s reserve champion turkey was purchased for $850 by HSLC. The annual sale of a gallon of milk was sold for $3,725 and will be shared by 11 dairy exhibitors: Callie Cromer, Jonathan Cromer, Allison Harpel, Laney Harpel, Ethan Lawrence, Grace Lawrence, Nathan Matson, Clay Rager, Dillon Rall, Brooke Vansky and Zachary Wedertz. Names of the buyers will be included in the Kenton Times’ post-fair tab.