Home Family Living Lions hear success of Junior Bassmasters

Lions hear success of Junior Bassmasters

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Membership awards
Kenton Lion Bill Keller (left) presented a Membership Advancement Key to Lion Aaron Osborn for bringing in five members and a Membership Key Award to Lion Cindy Keller for bringing in two new members this past year.

The Kenton Lions Club held its regular meeting on Wednesday, March 19 at the Kenton Elks. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Lion President Jason Van Buskirk with 19 members and a guest present.

Garrett Ray, of the Junior Trophy Bassmasters, began by thanking the Lions club for the past donations to the group. Ray told members that he was able to purchase tackle boxes for each participant in 2023 and custom T-shirts in 2024. He presented his plan for 2025 tournaments with educational handouts for students to complete and prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

Ray reminded the club that the season runs from mid-May through mid-July and serves approximately 32 kids, up from five when he took over. He asked the club for another donation that would be put toward fishing supplies like measuring tape and pliers for participants, or possibly a lifetime fishing license for a grand prize at the end of the season.  The Lions will vote on this request at their next meeting.

Lion President Jason shared a letter from Kenton Little League asking for our support.  After discussion about what the club did in the past, a motion to sponsor a team ($300) was made by Lion Joe Burgbacher with a 2nd by Lion Bruce Oberlitner. Members voted, motion passed.

The secretary’s and treasurers reports were shared with members. Lion Todd Oates moved to accept both reports. After a second by Lion Joe, members voted.  Motion passed.

Lion Gary Whitmer reminded members to start getting hole sponsors ($50) from area businesses, organizations, etc for the May 17 Golf Scramble.

Lion Todd informed members that he talked to Sam Norris, Director of the Mary Lou Johnson library about the Vision Enhancing Color Kits that Sam had asked for the club to donate to.

After discussion, Lion Cindy Keller made a motion to purchase one set for the MLJ library at $299.  After a second by Lion Judd Robinson, members voted. Motion passed.

Lion Gary reminded members that the Hardin County Board of Developmental Disabilities Breakfast is March 28 at 9 a.m. at Simon Kenton School. He asked for volunteers to help with the event and to report at 7:30 am.

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