ODNR moves forward on Killdeer decommissioning Posted on February 16, 2017 0 FINDLAY — The process to decommission the Killdeer Reservoir located near Marseilles is scheduled to resume this week, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The embankment (dam) that surrounds Killdeer Reservoir has deteriorated significantly since its construction in 1971. Its present condition poses a safety risk to those who live within the area and would be flooded should the embankment fail. The ODNR recently began a process to determine how best to keep the public safe and eliminate this threat. After assessing the dam in 2005, ODNR reduced the water level and began the process of decommissioning the dam to protect the community. Following a recent assessment, dam safety experts and engineers have determined the risk is too great to maintain any recreational water depth, and the dam will be fully decommissioned to ensure public safety. The drain in Killdeer Reservoir will be opened allowing water to free flow out of the reservoir. Once the water stops free flowing, pumps will be utilized to complete the dewatering. A notch will then be cut into the side of the dam near the southwest corner of the reservoir. Tree clearing will occur in the area where the notch will be located. The goal is to complete the decommissioning process this spring, pending weather conditions. The ODNR Division of Wildlife will take possession of the site once decommissioning is complete. Options for future use of the site will be assessed and will focus on wildlife habitat and associated recreational opportunities.