Ex-volunteer treasurer ordered to pay $51,419 in restitution Posted on March 28, 2018 0 COLUMBUS — A former volunteer treasurer who stole tens of thousands of dollars from two groups affiliated with the Shawnee Local School District in Allen County was sentenced late last week to five years of probation and ordered to pay $51,419 in restitution. “Stealing from programs geared toward students is just about as low as it gets,” State Auditor Dave Yost said. Allen County Common Pleas Judge David Cheney sentenced Heather O’Connor on March 22 after she pleaded guilty to a count of grand theft in February for stealing $77,587 from the district’s Parent Teacher Committee (PTC) and $9,277 from the Little Indians Volleyball Association. In addition to five years of probation, O’Connor was ordered to serve 40 hours of community service and pay the remaining funds owed. She had previously paid $35,445, but still owes $42,142 to the PTC and $9,277 to the volleyball association. As treasurer, O’Connor’s responsibilities included issuing checks and making deposits for the two groups. Investigators and forensic auditors with the Auditor’s Public Integrity Assurance Team determined that she stole cash and wrote herself checks from the bank accounts that she oversaw. She also pocketed cash from PTC fundraising activities.