Best locations to watch Forest fireworks shared Posted on July 7, 2016 0 FOREST — The Tree Town Festival Committee, the Forest Fire Department and Jackson-Forest E.M.S. would like the public to be aware of the best viewing area for the fireworks to be held at the festival at 10:30 p.m. Saturday in Gormley Park, Forest. The entrance to the festival parking areas and fireworks viewing area is from Spiedel Avenue and the end of East Daisy Street. Signs will be posted at key intersections directing patrons to these areas. The fireworks will be shot to the south of the park, on the south side of East Daisy Street in an open field. Patrons and onlookers are urged to observe marked fire lanes and parking restrictions; any vehicle parked in restricted areas will be towed away at the owner’s expense. Local law enforcement will be on duty in the village and park throughout the festival enforcing safety and parking restrictions. Additionally, no bicycles, dogs or any other type of pets are allowed in the park during the festival due to safety issues. The festival will be held July 8, 9 and 10. The rain date for the fireworks will be Sunday. July 10. Call the department at 419-273-2520 for more information or go online to under the 2016 Festival tab for the complete agenda.