Help Wanted

Immediate Hire HVAC Installer and HVAC Service Technician- State licensed mechanical contractor looking for experienced and training level heating and cooling installers and service technicians. A 40 year experienced company with health care, benefits, and paid vacation.
Call: Bill Mullen at 419-835-5163 or 419-294-3900

WYANDOT EAST FIRE DISTRICT-is currently seeking a Fiscal Officer/Clerk.
This is a part time position that requires managing the fiscal responsibilities of the District and ability to attend a monthly meeting held the second Thursday of each month. The position is responsible for all receipts and disbursements, preparation and filing of reports, and keeping accurate records.
The Board is looking for a person with good communication skills, organized, and punctual. You must be able to pass a background check and be Bondable.
If you have questions or would like more details, contact Fiscal Officer Steve Heinlen at 419-294-8218. Resumes can be emailed to:
Wyandot East Fire District
3527 County Hwy. 59
Nevada, Ohio 44849

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