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Working at soccer camp

A group of under-8 soccer players battle for the ball Thursday during a youth soccer camp in Forest. The camp, which is being run by Riverdale soccer coaches Jon Hayfield and Andrew Snook with help from high school players, had more than 50 participants.

Moving on

Moving on

Sabotage, a local 16U travel fastpitch softball team, qualified for the ASA Eastern Nationals by finishing third at the Rockets on the River tournament last weekend in Zanesville.

Grubbs wins Bassmasters tourney

Top fishermen

The Trophy Bassmasters went to Lake Loramie recently which the club has developed a love/hate relationship with over the years. Many times the lake can fish extremely tough and yield very little in the way of quality catches.

Tennis courts open for all

Kenton tennis coach Keith Kissling use the Eye Coach to demonstrate some key points of hitting a forehand while working with Lauren Rush on Tuesday during the first tennis open courts of the summer.

Headed to state

The Hardin County Pioneer Special Olympics Track team will be taking 10 medal winners to compete at the Special Olympics State Games in Columbus from June 26-28.

HN golf outing postponed

in :  Sports

Because of the weather conditions, the Dola, Dunkirk, Hardin Northern Community golf outing scheduled for Saturday has been rescheduled for Aug. 8, still at Veteran’s Memorial Golf Course in Kenton. All other details also remain the same.

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