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State honor

Shirley Robson

Shirley Robson, the information and referral specialist at the Hardin County Council on Aging, has been recognized by the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP), along with Ohio Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor, as the Volunteer of the Year with a certificate.

Riverdale recognition

Riverdale recognition

Riverdale Schools students of the month for April are (front) elementary student Connor McCahan, first grade; (from left, back) high school student Alex Porter, 12th grade and middle school student Zach Himes, eighth grade. Submitted photo

Taking a pie for a cause

Taking a pie for a cause

The students at Upper Scioto Valley got to see one of their teachers take a pie in the face on Monday, April 25. The USV Chapter of the National Honor Society sponsored the contest to raise money for Alzheimer’s research and care.

Performing at Ben Logan

The Glenn Miller Orchestra was joined by the Benjamin Logan High School Jazz Ensemble to perform an encore performance of ”In the Mood” to close the orchestra’s concert during the school’s “Improvising A Cure” event on Sunday, April 24.

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