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New signal

New signal

Brian Shook of Brian Shook Electric works on installing the new traffic signal on East Columbus Street at the intersection of Jacob Parrott Boulevard and Morningside Drive on Kenton’s east side.

Mother Daughter Tea

Mother Daughter Tea

Nancy Beach, resident at Hardin Hills Health and Rehab Center, enjoys a delightful afternoon at the Mother Daughter Tea. There was a great turnout and all were served ham or chicken salad on croissants, chips, and cheesecake, sweet tea and pink lemonade.

Grabbing second

Grabbing second

The Ridgemont Green Machine took second place in the Logan County preseason coach-pitch tournament recently in Ridgeway. Members of the team include (front row, from left) Bryce Mendenhall, Mason Woodruff, batboy Foster Manns, Cole Henry and Samantha Lingrel;

Career choices

Career choices

Brent Good of Shelly Corp. explains his job in road construction to Hardin Northern students at the school’s Career Exploration Day on Tuesday. Students in grades 7-12 heard presentations about 14 career choices from people in the community who work in those areas.

Horsing around

Horsing around

Kenton Head Start students in Pattie Ruvoldt’s and Mona Kearns’ class line up to go for a gallop on their stick horses Tuesday afternoon. The activity was part of a Healthy Lifestyles Coalition program promoting “water first for thirst,” encouraging children to drink water when they are thirsty instead of sugary drinks.

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