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Cabaret 2016

Cabaret 2016

Kenton's Top Twenty performs "The Nicest Kid in Town" from the musical Hairspray during a rehearsal Wednesday evening for Cabaret 2016. The song will be the opener to the second half of the event, which will be staged Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Kenton High School gymnasium.

HMH Guild has May Day Brunch

Winning bids

The Hardin Memorial Hospital Guild recently held its largest fundraiser, the May Day Brunch (formerly called Spring Luncheon) at Henry’s Restaurant in Kenton. The luncheon tables were decorated with spring lanterns and flower baskets filled with mints.

Fun at the beach

Beach Day was celebrated at Hardin Hills Health and Rehab Center during National Nursing Home Week. Pictured in front is Danielle Legge (activity assistant) and standing is Libby Haudenschield (activity director).

Hoe down

Winding Up National Nursing Home Week are Mary Risner, Audine Koehler, Carol Fulks and Anna Mae Neal sporting their cowboy hats during the hoe down. Residents and staff had cake celebrating the week. Submitted photo

Vegas Day

Hardin Hills Health and Rehab Center residents Pat Wages , Karla Foreman and Richard Beach have a great time during Vegas Day during National Nursing Home Week at the facility. They played casino games and won chocolate poker chips. Submitted photo

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