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Junior Grange plays with dinosaurs

Digging up bones

The newly reorganized Hardin County Junior Grange met on May 21 at McDonald Grange Hall. The Juniors brought their dinosaurs for the dinosaur dress up contest. The adults voted Kate Russell's butterfly dinosaur and Wyatt Flowers robot dinosaur as best dressed. They both won a dinosaur model.

Taking first place

Talking first place featured

The Kroger Crusaders Relay for Life Team recently held a golf outing at the Colonial Golf Course. The winning team (from left) was Chris Rogers, Britton Hensel, Mike Fink and Daniel Fink.

Support of teachers

Support of teachers

Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Intl. gave gift certificates from a local business to Ada Elementary School teachers (from left) Meghan Harmon and Heather Etgen as recommended by their Principal Ben Thaxton. Kappa Chapter is showing support of teachers with five years or less experience.

Spring colors

Spring colors

A field covered in mustard plants was a colorful subject for a spring photo. Warm temperatures and dry conditions have allowed farmers to plant their crops in recent days. In fact, this field located north of Mount Victory was plowed under shortly after the picture was taken.

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