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Building removed

A crew from Crates Excavating pulls down the walls of the former Ridgemont Elementary building in Mount Victory on Tuesday. Portions of the building were constructed a century ago. It was demolished after the district opened its new preK-12 facility, also in Mount Victory, in September. Times photo/Dan Robinson

Usher entertains OSU Alumni Club

Sharing stories

Trevor Zahara has been a volunteer usher at Ohio State home football games for 18 years. But that ended two weeks ago. When he begins his 19th season in the fall, Zahara said, all ushers will be paid, he told members of the Ohio State Alumni Club of Hardin County at their annual dinner and business meeting on Tuesday night in Kenton.

Working for a spot

A group of under-12 soccer players play a game on a small field while getting evaluated by Riverdale boys soccer coach Jon Hayfield during tryouts for a youth soccer traveling team Monday night in Forest. Times photo/Kurt Ritzman

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