Home Local News Reader Editorials (page 34)

Reader Editorials

Stop partial birth abortion

It has deeply troubled me for quite some time to watch the deterioration of our country, and the decline of our morals and values. We now accept certain things as everyday common law and practice that we used to find abhorrent when done by other countries.

Dinner appreciated

We would just like to thank the entire 2015 Relay for Life of Hardin County, Cancer Survivor Dinner that was held on July 24 at the Hardin County Fairgrounds. What a team of caring leaders and all involved.

Relay response disappointing

As Hardin County Relay for Life has come to an end, I want to thank all of those that work so hard to make an awesome event. But at the same time I am saddened by the lack of response from the community, city and county officials.

Return all stolen items

I would like to say to the person or persons who went on private property and vandalized my home and stole the trailer from behind my lawn mower and the battery from the mower: It was pretty low down of you to do this when my husband lay dying.

Remembrances of courthouse

We left Kenton in May 1967 and moved to Bryan, Ohio, close to my work, but we continued to receive the Kenton Times. I have found the data about the courthouse very interesting. There is some information I want to make you aware of that involved the courthouse and very few people do not know.

In search of honesty

It bothers me that when a person loses their billfold, that person finding it can not be honest enough to return the billfold and cash to the owner or drop it in the owner’s mailbox or turn it in to the police department.

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