Home Local News Reader Editorials (page 28)

Reader Editorials

Passenger rail service alive

Once in a while someone will ask me, "When will we be getting the passenger train service in our county?" They know that Kenton's city council has been talking with the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission that represents towns, counties, businesses and other groups interested in service between Chicago and Columbus.

Supporting Ada Library levy

I am writing this letter to show my support for the library and the Ada Public Library levy renewal, a renewal income tax levy. Our community is our future and the library is our community. Whether you are a family with children, a student, or an adult, the library has opportunities for you.

Support Ada Library levy

I moved to Ada approximately 3 years ago along with my husband, who found a faculty position at Ohio Northern University (ONU). One of the many concerns I had moving to Ada was whether my then 6 year old son could find adequate resources for intellectual stimulation.

Hypocrisy this election cycle

Donald Trump's words have always been noxious, but his recently released comments are beyond the pale. Quick to forgive one of their own though, polls show that Republicans are overwhelming willing to pardon their presidential candidate's boasts about sexually assaulting women.

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