Home Local News Reader Editorials (page 18)

Reader Editorials

Fair board appreciated

I attended the Hardin County Fair Board Banquet Sunday, September 16, 2018 to watch Scioto Sound perform (Upper Scioto Valley Schools Show Choir). They did an excellent job and I was proud to watch them. During this banquet there were a couple of Junior Fair Board members recognized for their hard work.

Commended for great fair

I believe this is the opportune time to commend the fair board, junior fair board, the merchants, local farm families, local law enforcement, and the community for making the Hardin County Fair so great! This year the weather went from desert heat to tropical rains but even under such duress, the people of Hardin County excelled making the 2018 fair a success. Inclement weather will not beat this community down.

Support Ada levy renewal

It didn’t take me long to learn that our vision of “Aspiring to excel in all areas of the school experience” is not just words. Ada Schools really lives this vision. We share it with students and staff alike, and refer to it when making decisions. Recent successes at Ada Schools include improvements in technology, significant increases in the number of College Credit Plus courses offered on campus, a new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) series of classes, additions to middle school electives, and continued implementation of the Literacy Collaborative to improve reading skills for elementary students.

Latta won’t talk to constituents

To the editor: How can Bob Latta represent us in Congress when he doesn’t talk to us? Representative Latta has not held an in-person town hall in years. As the Toledo Blade wrote, criticizing Mr. Latta’s failure to hold town halls, “Representation is personal. It is eye-to-eye and face-to-face. Elected members of Congress, especially those in the people’s House, need …

Need change in 5th District

USA Today has reported that, thanks to tax cuts, the federal budget deficit is spiking. Already 21 percent above the level of 2017, it will rapidly surpass $1 trillion. Unlike the deficits we faced during the Great Recession, this crisis is the result of a deliberate act that undercuts revenues for years to come.

United Way seeks support

During the last few years, as a board member of the United Way of Hardin County, I have been so pleased with the support we have received from our county residents and businesses. Hardin County people are well known for taking care of Hardin County people!

Leaders praise school law

Superintendents across Ohio sincerely thank Senator Matt Huffman, SD12, for sponsoring and strongly advocating for the passage of Senate Bill 216, the Ohio Public School Deregulation Bill. The bill recently signed into law by Governor Kasich was in development for over a year and it represents countless hours of dedicated work on behalf of local school districts.

The case against immunizations

To the editor: I feel an obligation to respond to the Kenton Times front page story on June 14 about The Health Department advising getting a “jump” on immunizations. I’ve done much soul-searching deciding whether or not to write and submit this letter. It would have been much easier to stay silent. I felt a bit of nudge after reading Dr. Forester’s excellent column in the next day’s Kenton Times.

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