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Health board unveils Cribs for Kids program

A new program to assist young parents was announced at the Kenton-Hardin Health Board meeting Tuesday night. Cribs for Kids puts a sleeping unit in the home of newborns who have no other place to sleep, said Director of Nursing Cindy Keller. The goal of the national program is to reduce the instances where infants are sleeping with parents.

No newspaper on Thanksgiving

The Kenton Times will not publish a newspaper on Thanksgiving so our employees can enjoy the holiday with their families. Regular publication of the Times will resume on Friday.

USV in dire need of substitute teachers

McGUFFEY — The Upper Scioto Valley School is in dire need for substitute teachers, Elementary Principal Wayne Schneider reported to the board Monday. There are days the staff struggles to fill in for absent teachers, Schneider said after the meeting. “We have great subs, but just not enough of them,” he said. Anyone willing to work as a substitute teacher …

KCS awaits bus garage plans

The Kenton Board of Education will hear from contractors next month on proposals for a new bus garage for the district. The combined bus barn to house the buses and transportation/maintenance shop and office is planned to be constructed east of Kenton Elementary School off Silver Street.

DD Board OKs shared superintendent

Beginning on Dec. 1, the Hardin County Board of Developmental Disabilities will be sharing superintendent services with the Union County DD board. At its regular monthly meeting Monday night, the Hardin County board officially approved an 18-month contract with Superintendent Kara Brown...

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