Home Local News Farm (page 92)


Importance of pollinators promoted

WASHINGTON — While many pollinators may seem like just annoying insects, they are actually a very important part of the web of life upon which we all depend. Unfortunately, pollinators have shown disturbing signs of decline in recent years. To recognize the importance of pollinators, June 15-21 has been named Celebrate Pollinator Week. “America’s families depend on pollinators, essential in …

BL FFA gets grant

BL FFA gets grant featured

Benjamin Logan FFA Secretary Darby Eades accepts a $1,000 grant and plaque from Logan County Electric Cooperative employee Ashley Oakley through the company’s Operation Round Up program. Eades and FFA adviser Lora James presented the project to the LCED board.

Fair board hears about poultry plans

The ban on poultry for this year's Hardin County Fair because of the avian flu was discussed at Saturday’s meeting of the Hardin County Agricultural Society. Mark Badetscher, Hardin County OSU Extension educator, reported the virus that has been infecting backyard poultry and commercial flocks in 20 states west of Ohio.

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