Farmers hoping for warmer, drier weather For the time period of April 15-30, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 1.46 inches of rain in Hardin County. Last year, the average rainfall for the same time period was 1.06 inches. Rainfall for the April 15-30 time period is 0.55 inches less than the 10-year average rainfall during the same dates. Read More
Kenton FFA has Ag Day On Wednesday, May 11 the Kenton/OHP FFA chapter held its annual “Ag Day” where third graders were brought to the Hardin County Fairgrounds to view presentations and experience the importance of agriculture and the environment. Read More
Factors to consider on whether to plant corn or soybeans Farmers have to decide each spring whether to grow corn or soybeans. Other spring crops are not grown because there is not a local market or product demand, in other words the farmer has no place to sell them or the opportunity to make a profit. Read More
Hardin County farmers part of project to cut phosphorous runoff Two years ago, the pollution in Lake Erie shut down the water treatment plant for the city of Toledo and got national coverage by the news media. The source of the blooms of algae were attributed in part to the runoff of phosphorous from the application of fertilizer on farm fields. Read More
Plant coils around trees, shrubs Asian Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) is native to China, Japan, and Korea. It was introduced to the United States in the 1860s as an ornamental plant and is used today in fall decorations. Read More
Stewardship Week to focus on trees As a part of the Hardin County for 68 years, the Hardin Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) wants to remind everyone that each of us has a connection to natural resources. The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) is celebrating the 61st year of Stewardship Week, April 24 - May 1. Read More
Corn planting dates near optimal yields Corn needs to be planted during suitable conditions and not by a calendar date. For northwestern Ohio, the probability for optimal yields occurs when corn is planted between April 25 and May 10. Read More
ODA seeks to honor farmers committed to conservation REYNOLDSBURG — The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) is accepting nominations to honor Ohio farm families who are leaders in conservation for the 2016 Conservation Farm Family Awards. Read More
AgCredit shares profits FOSTORIA —AgCredit-one of northern Ohio's largest lenders for farmers, rural homeowners and agribusiness-recently reported net income of $47.4 million and distributed $18 million of its profits in cash to its member owners. Read More
Reed canary grass is aggressive Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) is a non-native wetland grass that arrived from Asia and Europe in the 1800s for hay, forage, and erosion control. Both strains of native and non-native reed canary grass have been planted in the U.S. with the non-native grass being more aggressive. Read More