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Kenton youth named Beef Ambassador

Brian Searson, 15, of Kenton and a student of Kenton City Schools, will serve as the 2017 Beef Ambassador for Hardin County. His selection was announced at last month’s Beef Banquet but he was unable to attend due to a previous engagement. Also on the team are Makenzie Jolliff and Madisen Jolliff.  

Searson beef ambassador

Brian Searson, 15, of Kenton and student of Kenton City Schools, will serve as the 2017 Beef Ambassador for Hardin County. His selection was announced at the Hardin County Beef Banquet on Saturday night. He was unable to attend due to a previous engagement. Also on the team are Makenzie Jolliff and Madisen Jolliff.    

Produce safety GAPS class slated

A Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) class has been planned for Hardin County. GAPs classes are training sessions for fruit and vegetable producers taught by personnel from Ohio State University’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program.

R’mont adds agriculture teacher

MOUNT VICTORY — The Ridgemont Board of Education hired a second agriculture instructor for the district during its meeting Thursday night. Shelby Faulkner, a former state FFA president and graduate of The Ohio State University, will join the district for the 2017-2018 year as a grades 7-12 agriculture and environmental systems teacher. She has taught one year at Indian Lake.

County farmers produced 14M bushels of corn in 2016

As Hardin County recognized its farmers and agribusinesses on National Agriculture Day March 21, crop yields from the 2016 growing season have been released from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service. Although these crop production numbers are based on estimates, they are used for crop insurance and government reporting purposes.

Poultry royalty

Poultry royalty

Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Amyial and Michael Brown, and Chase Fleece, son of Craig and Jennifer Fleece, were named the 2017 Poultry King and Queen at the first annual Hardin County Poultry Banquet at the Christian Missionary Alliance Church in Kenton on Saturday night. Times photo/Ty Thaxton    

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