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BL FFA at district training

BL FFA at district training

Members of the Benjamin Logan FFA Officer Team joined more than 100 FFA members from six counties to participate in the Fall District Officer Training at Greenon High School on Oct. 3. The students went through a series of sessions emphasizing leadership, the focus of FFA, and how the FFA has changed and progressed through the years.

Safety important during harvest rush

During the past week soybean harvest has kicked into high gear. The extended dry period has allowed farmers an uncommon opportunity to harvest non-stop. In some fields they are having trouble staying ahead of the drying beans – grain moisture dropping as low as 10 percent, increasing the chance of shattering before harvest.

Fair Carcass Show of Champions set Sept. 14

Did you ever wonder how well the grand and reserve champion fair animals will grade out on the rail? The OSU Extension office is pleased to announce the 2017 Hardin County Fair Carcass Show of Champions to be held Thursday, September 14 at 6 p.m. The annual carcass show will be held at Mt. Victory Meats, 670 E. Marion Street …

Turf Tips: Perennial ryegrass

As we head into the fall season from mid-August through mid-September, homeowners may think about reseeding or establishing lawns for next year. Early fall is an ideal season for this practice, more so than spring seeding because of warm days and cool nights that allow for quicker germination and rapid turf growth.

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