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Quartet to perform

Latter Rain Gospel Quartet will appear at Kenton Full Gospel Church, 129 N. Wayne St., Kenton at 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21. There will be Southern Gospel music and old-fashioned camp meeting preaching. The public is invited. Submitted photo

Music in the park set in Roundhead

ROUNDHEAD — The second annual Music in the Park at Roundhead will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21. The entertainment will feature The Country Expressions, a local traditional country band including: Joyce Snow, vocals and drums; Bob Laubis, bass and Kenny Davis, steel guitar. The event is being held in memory of local country musician Paul …

Kenton’s Top Twenty production will be in a ‘Glass House’

Kenton High School’s Top Twenty will be in a “glass house” for everyone to see during this season’s performances. “The Glass House” is the theme for the show choir’s competition performance, where “someone’s always watching.” “It’s kind of like ‘Big Brother,’” Director Todd Daquino said.

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