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Singing workshop

Singing workshop

Singers from Alger, Lima and Delphos joined Noteworthy Community Choir for its first Saturday Sing on Nov. 3. Held at Golden Bridge Academy, singers learned several songs, accompanied themselves on Orff instruments (xylophones and metallophones), and created rainsticks - culminating in a time of sharing with parents and friends.

Lima Symphony Orchestra to present ‘American Elegance’

LIMA — The Lima Symphony Orchestra will present its second concert of Maestro Crafton Beck’s Farewell Season, “American Elegance,” on Saturday, Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Civic Center. Celebrating the varied and rich history that defines American music, these expressive and iconic pieces brilliantly capture the American spirit.

Rehearsals in Marion for junior ‘Snow White’

MARION — Palace Theatre Executive Director Bev Ford announces auditions will be held for the junior stage production of “The Tale of Snow White” on Dec. 18 and 19. Director Emily Yaksic is seeking young performers ages 7 to 14 years to play a variety of leading and supporting characters in Barbara Lennon’s fresh and funny stage adaptation of the classic fairy tale, “Snow White.”

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