Home Local News Court (page 105)


Break-in, theft of Murphy Oil results in prison time

A Chillicothe man was sent to prison for more than six years after he pleaded guilty to charges in Hardin County Common Pleas Court. According to court records from Prosecutor Brad Bailey’s office, David Keith Smith, Chillicothe, was found guilty of one charge each of breaking and entering, grand theft and engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity at a Kenton business.

Kenton man sent to prison for sex crimes

A Kenton man was sent to prison for 13 years and was designated a Tier II sexual offender in a case before the Hardin County Common Pleas Court. According to court records from Prosecutor Brad Bailey’s office, Richard Shannon Jenkins, 71, 15079 Ohio 309, Room 23, Kenton, pleaded guilty to two counts of illegal use of a minor in a nudity-oriented material or performance.

Kenton man gets four years

A Kenton man was sent to prison after pleading guilty to charges in the Hardin County Common Pleas Court. According to court records from Prosecutor Brad Bailey’s office, Daniel Ray Wright, 398 E. Forest Road, Apt. H 86, Kenton, was found guilty of one count of burglary.

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