Home Family Living Church (page 77)


First responder service set at Trinity UP Church

The Trinity United Presbyterian Church in Kenton is holding a special service to honor the courageous men and women who protect our city and county as police officers, firefighters, and medical professionals. These first responders selflessly serve their fellow citizens every day and often put their lives in danger for others.

TLC Ministries hosting three revival services

TLC Ministries will be holding revival services beginning Sunday, Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. with Evangelist Stephen Gentry of Edinburg, Ind. As a pastor, Gentry has dealt with the severe abuse of drugs and alcohol in his community and understands that only the “Preaching of the Cross” will make the difference.

Word for the day: Dealing with change

As you can imagine I am writing this Word of the Day on a computer, which is nothing special since that is how write these days. But it carries an annoying challenge with which we have to deal every time software companies decide that we need to upgrade to new Windows or a new word-processing program.

Orders accepted for 2016 Forest calendar

FOREST — Orders are being accepted for the 2016 Forest Community Calendar, a mission project sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church of Forest. Calendar listings, including birthdays, anniversaries, memorials, in service/branch and organization meeting dates.

Annual Family Day slated at Carey Shrine

CAREY — The Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey continues the tradition of Annual Family Pilgrimage Day on Sunday, Sept. 27. Pastoral care for families and offering assistance to families to grow in faith together has been a priority of Pope Francis.

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