Home Family Living Church (page 43)


Word for the day: Seasons

Rev. Jonathan Hanover

My wife and I sleep in a bedroom that was added on to our house long after it was built. The air flow and insulation in that particular bedroom are a bit lacking. Consequently, during the summer months, that room becomes unbelievably hot, and during the winter months, unbelievably cold.

Gospel Praise Gathering planned at Westminster UMC in Harrod

TGMA Gospel Music Promotions will be presenting “Gospel Praise Gathering” at 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10 at Westminster United Methodist Church, 6650 Faulkner Road, Harrod. The gathering will feature Sandi & Kaylene, Jimmy Potridge, one Voice, Dee Runion, Randy Long, Ken Ziegler, The Seekers, Arnold Coy, Jake Reel, Chris Baldwin, Peggy Hamilton, Paula Barron, Miss Amanda, and the Gospel Praise Gathering Choir.

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