Home Family Living Church (page 41)


Word for the day: Love and misery

Rev. Dr. Randall J. Forester

I’m miserable – not in the sense that I’m some mean old cur like some of my detractors would have you believe. I’m in genuine misery. I had major oral surgery on half my mouth. (The other half is to be operated on in two months, so I’ll be going through this whole self-pity thing again. Watch out!!!)

Word for the day: February 8, 2019

Rev. Charles Horn

If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain. – I Corinthians 15: 13-14 Many people get upset with the Christian belief in the resurrection of the body. It offends them that God would even care about bringing a dead body – a corpse – back to life.

Word for the day: To be known

Rev. Tomas Pistora

Besides serving a church I work as a hospice chaplain which means that often I listen to stories of people going through very difficult times. It is my job. Very often at one point or another those who share their stories with me pouring their hearts out suddenly ask me a question, “Chaplain, where are you from? I hear an accent.”

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