Home Family Living Church (page 38)


Word for the day: Nobody picked Easter

Rev. Vanessa R. Cummings

My sister told me about a church workshop she attended and they were discovering how we are more alike than different. But what stood out to her (and to me when she told me) was the question, “What is your favorite holiday?” The options included birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. Guess what? Nobody picked Easter. Yes, these were Christians but …

Our Lady of Consolation plans special mass for those affected by cancer

CAREY — The Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, Carey will be celebrating a special mass in honor of Saint Peregrine, patron saint of those affected by cancer, at 7 p.m. Friday, May 3 in the Basilica. Saint Peregrine lived in Italy from 1260-1345; he was a member of the Friar Servants of Mary (Servite Order) and was himself cured of cancer.

Word for the day: Here is what I have

Pastor John Dyer

(He who saw this has testified so that you also may believe. His testimony is true, and he knows that he tells the truth.) ––––– The above words are from the author of the Gospel of John as he described the crucifixion of Jesus. The sanctuary of the second church I served seated over 800 people. For Easter, the chancel …

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