Home Family Living Church (page 35)


Singing at Well of Grace

Darnell and Debbie Mathys of LaRue will be singing and preaching at 6 p.m. Saturday, July 13 at Well of Grace Fellowship Church, 525 N. Ida St., Kenton. All are welcome to attend.

Word for the day: Our way or God’s way

Rev. Charles Horn

“What’s mine is mine! I worked hard for everything I have, and deserve what I have earned. No one has any right to take it from me!” How often have you heard someone say this? How often have you said it or even felt it yourself? These words and others like them reveal a very worldly attitude that is really not true, especially for those who claim to believe in God. The Jewish and Christian faiths teach that all we have comes to us as gifts from God, as blessings which are undeserved. God, who has created us, also provides for all our daily needs (our “daily bread”). The Bible teaches that we live for God and his good purposes, not just to do our own thing, not just to pile up possessions and comforts for ourselves. Indeed without God, we wouldn’t have anything – and we wouldn’t even be here! – because God has given us the very gift of life itself. (See Matthew 6:25-34)

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