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R’dale assistant principal works to build positive relationships with students

Jeff Young

MOUNT BLANCHARD — Despite being in a disciplinary role as assistant principal, Jeff Young is able to build positive relationships with the students of Riverdale. Young is in his third year as the school’s K-12 assistant principal, a role that comes with the primary responsibility of discipline of students. He also handles roughly 20 teacher observations.

Out with the old

Auctioneer David Wedertz seeks bids as he auctions off the items from the Ridgemont schools which were not transferred to the new building. The new preK-12 building opened in Mount Victory in September.

Christmas surprise

Christmas surprise

Twins Jenell and Joel Launder thought they were going to the Riverdale auditorium Friday morning to see the third grade play. But prior to the production, Elementary Principal Dr. Julie Spade announced the fourth-graders had won a raffle and their prize was on a large box on the stage.

Musser to lead Kenton Police Department

New Kenton chief

Sgt.. Dennis Musser is the new chief of the Kenton Police Department. Kenton Safety Service Director Jim Hites made the announcement this morning at the Kenton Municipal Building. Following the retirement of Chief John Vermillion in May, the city had sought his replacement though civil service tests, but after the Kenton officers failed to pass the test twice, the requirement was dropped...

Service to seniors

Ada High School sophomores Madisyn Gossard (left) and Melina Woods serve roast turkey lunches to a table of local senior citizens at the annual senior luncheon hosted by the school district on Wednesday.

Family connection with USV coach leads to ‘Duck Dynasty’ speaker at FCA

Celebrity visit

McGUFFEY — When the Upper Scioto Valley Fellowship of Christian Athletes needed to come up with an idea to raise money, it found a solution in one of the unlikeliest of places. Al Robertson from the TV series “Duck Dynasty” has agreed to speak at the school out of friendship between his family and the family of USV teacher/football coach Josh Spencer.

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