Heart-breaking: More dogs found starving, mistreated and abused Hardin County Dog Warden Tammy Ervin sees many animals which break her heart. In recent weeks the number of starving, mistreated or abused animals has increased dramatically at the animal shelter. But Ervin wasn’t prepared for the call she responded to on Tuesday morning. Read More
Razing the roof A group of Amish workers tackled the demolition of a building at Route 68 Trailer Sales on Fontaine Street in Kenton this morning. Read More
Grange is a family affair for Hardin County couple For Bob and Joan White, whether it’s the local, county, state or national level, grange is a family organization for those in all walks of life. Bob currently serves as president of both the Painter Creek Grange in Dudley Township and the Ohio State Grange in Fredericktown. Joan has previously served as president of the Painter Creek Grange and Hardin County Pomona Grange. Read More
Strickland’s wife, Supreme Court candidate, meet with Democrats Hardin County Democrats on Saturday got a chance to hear from two people who will be near the top of their election ticket. Frances Strickland, wife of U.S. Senate candidate Ted Strickland, and Supreme Court candidate Cynthia Rice were featured speakers at the Democrats’ Presidents Day Luncheon at Walnut Grove Church. Read More
Educators tour new R’mont building, learn of unique programs being offered MOUNT VICTORY – Educators from Dublin, Upper Arlington and Columbus City Schools were among a group who traveled through the fields of rural Ohio on Friday to tour a school a fraction of the size of their districts. But it is Ridgemont’s size that allows its uniqueness, said Superintendent Emmy Beeson as she welcomed members of the Service Learning Network... Read More
Program helps girls with expensive prom dresses Formal dresses for teenagers often are dazzling at proms or homecomings, but then are forgotten in the back of a closet. Meanwhile, some young women don’t have financial means to afford a nice dress for the occasions. Read More
Celebrating Seuss The staff of Ridgemont Elementary kicked off their third quarter of Project Soar Friday. Read More
Congressman tells students about importance of voting, shares national debt worries Congressman Bob Latta paid a visit to Kenton High School government students on Thursday morning to talk about the importance of voting and being aware of local, state and national issues such as the national debt. Latta has served in Washington, D.C., since 2007 when he was elected to the House of Representatives. Read More
Early start Benjamin Logan kindergartner Penelope Elliott watched her older sisters prepare their projects for the elementary school’s science fair and wanted to be a part of the judging. Penelope was given special permission to participate and conducted experiments on how various brands of popcorn responded in the microwave. Read More
Sweetheart court Ridgemont’s annual Sweetheart Dance is slated for Saturday from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the school. The 2016 court includes: (from left, front) sophomore attendant Alexis Lingrel, freshman attendant Megan Rowe, Queen Nicole Sutherland and junior attendant Eva Martino, Read More