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Grange is a family affair for Hardin County couple

Joan and Bob White

For Bob and Joan White, whether it’s the local, county, state or national level, grange is a family organization for those in all walks of life. Bob currently serves as president of both the Painter Creek Grange in Dudley Township and the Ohio State Grange in Fredericktown. Joan has previously served as president of the Painter Creek Grange and Hardin County Pomona Grange.

Educators tour new R’mont building, learn of unique programs being offered

Tour of school

MOUNT VICTORY – Educators from Dublin, Upper Arlington and Columbus City Schools were among a group who traveled through the fields of rural Ohio on Friday to tour a school a fraction of the size of their districts. But it is Ridgemont’s size that allows its uniqueness, said Superintendent Emmy Beeson as she welcomed members of the Service Learning Network...

Early start

Early start

Benjamin Logan kindergartner Penelope Elliott watched her older sisters prepare their projects for the elementary school’s science fair and wanted to be a part of the judging. Penelope was given special permission to participate and conducted experiments on how various brands of popcorn responded in the microwave.

Sweetheart court

Sweetheart court

Ridgemont’s annual Sweetheart Dance is slated for Saturday from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the school. The 2016 court includes: (from left, front) sophomore attendant Alexis Lingrel, freshman attendant Megan Rowe, Queen Nicole Sutherland and junior attendant Eva Martino,

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