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Commercial truck driver Kenny Kenney of Huber Heights returns to his truck to wait for a wrecker, while a Hardin County deputy writes up a citation for him. Kenney had driven past the signs on Ohio 31 announcing the route was closed south of Mount Victory.

Church in the park

Church in the park

Joe Torrillo signs drawings of himself for a long line of guests to the 11th annual Church in the Park in Forest on Sunday. Torrillo, a retired New York firefighter, shared his experiences from Sept. 11, 2001, when he was buried in the rubble of the World Trade Center twice.

Local presentation

Local presentation

Retired New York firefighter Joe Torrillo (second from left) presented plaques to Audrey Hankins (third from left), representing the Forest-Jackson Fire Department and Dean Hankins of the Forest-Jackson EMS as Lee Ann Loveridge of the Forest Church in the Park Committee looks on.

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