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Author to speak at ‘A Celebration of Women’ program

Carol Knuth

Noted author Carol Knuth will be the featured keynote speaker at the annual dinner "A Celebration of Women” in the Ohio Northern University McIntosh Center ballroom on Thursday, March 26 at 6 p.m. Keith Everhart, Hardin County sheriff, will serve as master of ceremonies. Soroptimist Intertnational of Lima, Hancock County Area, and Kenton/Hardin County invite all to celebrate achievements of local women.

County Democrats endorse Strickland

Ted Strickland was unanimously endorsed by the members of the Hardin County Democratic Central and Executive Committees at their March meeting. Strickland is seeking the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate in the March, 2016 primary election.

Green eggs and Romeo

Sean Hurley and Heidi Carl will play the title roles in Upper Scioto Valley’s “The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet.” The Shakespearean tragedy is given a new twist with the ageless love story presented as if it were created by Dr. Seuss.

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