Home Family Living (page 989)

Family Living

Singing treat

The Mennonite youth choir came in to sing at the Hardin Hills Health and Rehab Center while residents were eating lunch.

Enjoying treats during ride

Wilkerson-McVitty-Berlien Adult Day Care residents went for a country ride and a stop at the Dunkirk Dairy Dream. Enjoying their frozen treats are Ethel Kissling and Barb Brown.

All about butterflies

March 13 was Learn About Butterflies Day at the Kenton Nursing and Rehab Center. Resident Connie Snyder agreed to share her collection and fun facts about butterflies with residents and staff.

Day of pampering

Women who attend the Hardin County Council on Aging Senior Center enjoyed a pampering day recently. The day included egg white,and sugar face scrubs, a brown sugar hand scrub, and cucumber infused water.

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