Home Family Living Church (page 70)


Concert at church

Zack Shelton and 64 to Grayson will be performing at Flat Branch Church, 6435 CR 130, Kenton on Thursday, July 14 at 7 p.m. Teaming up with lead singer Shelton (from left) to form 64 to Grayson are cohorts Craig Cunningham and Tiffany Baker. The public is welcome and a free will offering will be taken.

Ice cream social set June 29 at LaRue UMC

LaRUE — The annual ice cream social, sponsored by the Chancel Choir of the LaRue United Methodist Church, is scheduled to take place from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 29 in the church fellowship hall at 166 N. High St. Sandwiches, chicken and noodles, side dishes, homemade pies and cakes, beverages and Riverside Ice Cream will be sold.

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