Home Family Living Church (page 52)


Trinity United Methodist to host concert

LIMA — The Lima Area Flute Choir will perform at Trinity United Methodist Church, 301 W. Market St., Lima on Sunday, March 18 at 3 p.m. Directed by Lucy Altstaetter, Jaz Bluhm, Stacee Brown and Erin Grim, this group of local artists features a variety of literature and sound textures with something for everyone.

Auglaize church plans revivals with evangelist

Corey Carroll

MAYSVILLE — A revival featuring evangelist Corey Carroll is set to take place on several dates this month at Auglaize Free United Baptist Church, 11890 Ohio 309, Maysville, located 15 miles west of Kenton. Revivals will take place at the church at 6 p.m. on March 11, 17 and 18. On March 12 through 16, services will be at 7 p.m. …

Quartet to perform

Quartet to perform

The Latter Rain quartet will be performing at the Dunkirk Assembly of God Church on Sunday morning, March 4. Service begins at 10 a.m. All are invited to attend to hear the gospel presented in song. Submitted photo

Word for the day: Chocolate, ashes, tears

Rev. Tomas Pistora

This year is one of those rare occasions when Valentine’s Day falls on Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent. And so the day known for the celebration of romantic love when we give chocolates and strawberries to our valentines collides with a day when we mark our foreheads with ashes and give up chocolate to mark the beginning of a season of repentance.

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