Home Family Living Church (page 48)


Word for the day: Unifying Our Community

Rev. Vanessa R. Cummings

If I asked you to define the current state of our community or our country, how would you respond? Have you noticed that more and more people are defining the behavior of society as “tribal?” That means people are beginning to gather around those who are familiar; they are less likely to associate with people outside their communities or comfort zones.

Gospel praise gathering planned at Kenton Full Gospel Church

TGMA Gospel Music Promotions is presenting a “Gospel Praise Gathering” at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 15 at Kenton Full Gospel Church, 129 N. Wayne St. Performing at the gathering will be Sandi & Kaylene, Jimmy Potridge, One Voice, Donna Sue, Chris Baldwin, Randy Long, Ken Ziegler, Jimmy Bloomfield, Ed Ewing, Arnold Coy, Jake Reel, Peggy Hamilton, Paula Barron, The Seekers and the Gospel Praise Gathering Choir.

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