Home Family Living Church (page 45)


Word for the day: Look up

Rev. Jonathan Hanover

I lead a Bible study that is currently studying Joel, one of the minor prophets. I fully admit, this is a book I am fairly unfamiliar with. I know I have read Joel, as I have read the entire Bible. But I could not tell you much about the book off the top of my head.

Word for the day: Are we living like citizens of heaven?

Rev. Charles Horn

The author of the short New Testament book of First Peter reminds the early Christians that they have been called out of the world to live as the chosen and beloved people of God (see I Peter 2:9-12 NRSV). Instead of living to please and care for themselves, as is the way of the world in general, they now have a calling to live for God’s good purposes and to be witnesses of God’s truth and merciful love made possible by Jesus Christ.

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