Home Family Living Church (page 37)


Revival slated

A revival will continue at Well of Grace Fellowship Church, 525 N. Ida St., Kenton, at 6 p.m. today and Saturday. The revival will feature different speakers and singers each night. All are welcome to attend.

Word for the day: Old emails, faith and peace

Rev. Jonathan Hanover

I recoiled in horror at the discovery. Both my church e-mail and my personal e-mail inboxes sat at over 400 e-mails each. Now, this may not strike terror in your heart as it does for me. But I try very hard to delete and archive old e-mails and keep my e-mail inboxes relatively tidy. Unfortunately, other tasks have dominated my time recently, and I lost track of my e-mail inboxes. Yet today, I finally stood up to the mounting numbers, and wrestled my inboxes to more reasonable levels.

Word for the day: The blessings of a faithful life

Rev. Charles Horn

In the late 1700s many Americans, especially from New England, began settling in the newly established Ohio Territory. The vast territory north and west of the Ohio River – which later became five states – was opened for settlement by the Northwest Ordinance approved by Congress in 1787. The chief architect of this ordinance was Manassah Cutler of Massachusetts. He and his family were very devout Christian leaders who strongly supported public education and strongly opposed slavery. The Northwest Ordinance specifically prohibited the extension of black slavery into the Northwest Territory.

Word for the day: What are we building?

Rev. Steve Hess

Last week I saw an article in the Kenton Times that discussed the present water levels of the Great Lakes. The article said that Lake Erie was 26 inches above its recent average. This struck a note of interest with me because I had just been to Beulah Beach, our denominational conference and summer camp facilities at Vermilion. While there …

Believe Trio among performances slated at Victory Gospel concert

Believe Trio

MOUNT VICTORY — There will be a Victory Gospel concert from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 21 at the Mount Victory Community Center (at the park), 234 N. Washington St., Mount Victory. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. The program will have the 441 Gospel Quartet, the Believe Trio and Chris Horne. Former Mount Victory resident and librarian Cindy Zachman is one of the Believe Trio singers.

Word for the day: Honoring many Moms

Pastor John Dyer

On the corner of the street just inside the corporation limits, there was a very small, general grocery store attached to a modest house. The sign out front read, “Mom’s Last Resort.” It was the last store before leaving the village. And it probably the last place you would think to go if you needed something.

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