Home Correction (page 2)


Candidates, headline corrected for election

There were several mistakes in an article in Thursday’s Times regarding candidates seeking office in the November election.  In Kenton, the accurate list of council candidates includes Robin Jones, Patricia Risner, Peggy Wren, BJ Hall and Anda Tudor for council-at-large with three to be elected. Also, Mary Burkett is unopposed for the First Ward seat. John McEntee is not seeking …

Celebration of Life slated for Karl McNeal

A Celebration of Life for Karl McNeal will be held Sunday, August 29, 2021 in the Community Building at the Hardin County Fairgrounds.The celebration will run from 1 to 5 p.m., with memories to be shared beginning at 3 p.m.–––––Editor’s Note: This notice is being republished to correct the date of the service.


An incorrect address was included in a photo caption in Thursday’s Times for making donations to the Hardin County S.O.U.P. service. Monetary donations can be sent to Hardin County S.O.U.P. in care of Pam Miller, 605 W. North St,, Kenton OH 43326.

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