Ricky Eugene Corbin Posted on February 1, 2025 0 Ricky Eugene Corbin went to be with his Lord and Savior at 9:09 A.M. on January 28, 2025, at home, where he left peacefully. Funeral services for Rick will be held at 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at the Central Church of Christ with Pastor Ken Drumm officiating. Visitation will be held 1 hour prior to the services at the Church. The church is located at 815 E. Columbus Street in Kenton. The Price-McElroy Funeral Home in Kenton is assisting the family with the arrangements. After the services there will be a last farewell ride from the church to Grove Cemetery’s committal building. In his honor, a Percheron horse drawn Victorian carriage will be used to transport Rick to Grove Cemetery where Shekinah will administer “The Riderless Horse” with Conrad playing his guitar and singing, I was Alive. Following will be a lunch at the Church. In remembrance to Rick, memorial donations can be payable to Quest Credit Union to Restore the “Rescue the Chapel” in Grove Cemetery. You can email at townshiptrustee@gmail.com Online condolences can be expressed at pricefh.net. Login Login Password Signup Here Lost Password Subscribe to the Kenton Times to read the full story... Get your Hardin County news in print AND online! Subscribe! OR Try a 1-Day Access Pass for Only 99¢! 1-Day Access Are you a current subscriber to the Kenton Times? NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! If you currently subscribe the Kenton Times in print, then your access to the online content is INCLUDED in your subscription! Just verify your subscription to get started! Verify Your Subscription