Riverdale says Fair School Funding bill doesn’t meet district’s financial needs Posted on July 28, 2021 0 By DAN ROBINSON Times staff writer MOUNT BLANCHARD — Like many schools throughout Ohio, the passage of the Fair School Funding bill by the Ohio General Assembly will mean a financial gain for the district, but it falls far short of being a financial solution to the school’s fiscal needs. Superintendent Jeff Young told the board at its meeting Monday night the bill provides the framework for addressing funding for schools in Ohio, but its full implemenation was not adopted by the legislature at this time. “We’re not there yet,” he said. The bill was passed as a part of the state budget and will be in place for two years before the major changes in school funding are enacted, said Young. The bill will eliminate expenses and revenue for open enrollment, noted Treasurer Tracy Hiller. It will also mean an end to community school expenses and special education scholarship costs for the district, she told the board. “This is going to shift how we look at a number of things for a couple of years,” Hiller said. But there may be a perspective that the passage of the bill will mean the levy being presented to Riverdale voters in the Novemeber election is no longer needed, noted board member John Livingston. He noted a headline in a recent edition of The (Findlay) Courier indicated local districts would be getting a big windfall financially as a result of the bill. In reality, said Young, the district is expecting to get an additional $70,000 per year, which would mean state foundation funding would be received at the level available in 2019 for Riverdale. “It looks (by the article) like we are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars,” said Livingston. “You are telling me not. That is a communications problem. Our limits are still there.” “Right,” responded Young. “People will latch onto the thousdands of dollars more and question why we are asking for more money,” said Livingston. “We need revenue coming in as we look for ways to reduce costs,” said Young. One way the board is cutting costs was with a reduction in force (RIF) action which reduced the administration team. Tina Weber, cafeteria supervisor, was cut from the district’s payroll at Monday’s meeting as a result of its financial concerns. Also at the meeting, Senior Class President Paige Rothlisberger gave a presentation to the board seeking permission to place a “senior rock” on the campus grounds. Rothlisberger told the board the rock has been donated for the project and it will be moved to the school at no cost. Once it is in place, the senior class members will paint the rock where it will remain on display until the following year’s seniors take their turn at decorating it. The event could be a way for classmates to get closer and celebrate with a cookout as part of an annual tradition, said Rothlisberger. The location of the rock will be determined by the administration, she said. The three board members present thought the proposal was a good idea, but agreed to revisit the issue when all five members are present. In other business, the board: – Learned the replacement of lights in the school is about 75 percent completed. – Heard the electric sign in front of the building is not working because of a “varment” and will be repaired soon. – Adopted a resolution finding it impractival to transport students attending private or provicial schools. – Discussed changing the internet domain identification to riverdalefalcons.com or .org at a minimal cost to the district. – Learned the district’s open house is slated for Aug. 26 at 6 p.m. – Accepted the resignations of Norma Herzog as educational aide, Nicole Williams as school counselor, co-advisor for the junior and senior classes and co-advisor for student council, and Dawn Altvater as assistant treasurer. – Agreed to share assistant treasurer services with the Vanlue School District. – Approved a one-year contract for Aubreah Manns as an elementary teacher. – Approved Patti Lauck as a one-on-one aide. – Accepted extended days for Catherine Borkosky and Michelle Clark. – Approved the one-year contract with the OAPSE union. – Approved overnight trips for the FFA. – Approved Vickie Drummelsmith as a substitute caller and Dave Hankins as custodial team leader.